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Corona virus

Hi everyone

All our sessions will go ahead as scheduled.

We are dedicated to your health and well being and we also want to reassure you and your family’s that we have procedures in our studio that maintain high standards of hygiene.

As you will all now be aware the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has made its way to Australia and is thought to be of danger to people with compromised immune systems so while we all need to continue on with our lives we want to slow the spread of the virus to help protect our young, elderly and frail.

We disinfect our equipment after each session and the studio twice a day.

We would like to ask for your help to keep our studio a safe place to train. So here is some ways you can do that:

Maintain good hygiene by ensuring you and your clothing are clean.

Your fingernails and toenails are short and clean.

Wash your hands with soap and hot water regularly.

Use hand sanitizer where available before and after physical contact.

Cover all coughs and sneezes preferably not with your hand.

If you feel you are showing any flu like symptoms stay home to prevent spreading the illness.

Look after your immune system by sleeping well, eating well and exercising regularly

This applies to everybody including parents and siblings.

Please follow these guidelines so we can continue to enjoy the many benefits of being a part of a fitness centre.

Lastly; stay healthy with good eating habits, regular exercise and mindful training in your class to reduce stress and keep your immune system healthy.

Aussie Pape


The Pilates Domain

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